A nice poem I came across in the writings of Shiv Khera....

He worked by day.
and toiled by night.
He gave up play
And some delight
Dry books he read
New things to learn.
And forged ahead,
Success to earn.
He plodded on,
with faith and pluck.
And when he won,
Men called it luck.


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An engineer by intellect, introvert by nature, gamer by passion. With aspirations in heart and a song on my lips, I traverse through this journey called life; meeting people along the way and having my own vantage point about the events that transpire. I wish to believe that the world is full of idiosyncrasies and imperfections and I just try to make the world better in the best way I can and if not then at least to create a perspective that makes things seem tolerable.


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