Well in response to one of my previous posts, one of my friends and critic A.S. said that I keep rambling about break ups and the agony associated with it. She suggested that for a change I write about something on the contrary, about how beautiful love is. Had she asked me to do it some 3 years back, I would have described it in the best way possible, but at this point of time, when going down memory lane would mean scraping unhealed wounds and putting myself through the plethora of pains and joys I have been through, I wouldn't dare venture knowingly into that direction. All relations leave back a trail of reminiscence, a bloody path which when retraced, takes you through the journey of grief, making it even more profound. Although time is the best healing factor, some wounds just don't heal, no matter how hard you try. And although there is no logic behind it, I have a feeling that I am blessed, for the wonderful parents I have, for the friends who stand by me through all ups and downs, for the fact that every time I'm depressed, I find some or the other reason to smile and keep going on.....
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